Expedite the Process of Rolling out New NFT Collections


Iterating on NFT art to create an entire collection is time consuming and challenging. Using AI, we make this process a breeze. It’s never been easier!

Here you’ll learn how to use Scenario to quickly and easily design a catchy character and effortlessly iterate on it to quickly create NFT collections. We’ll tell you how to create as many characters as you want, train a character of your choice into it’s own custom model, iterate on its color palette and accessories, and blend your character model with other models to re-stylize it completely.

Getting Started

  1. Choose a Style and Character
  2. Train a Model
  3. Use Create your First Edition Collection
  4. Blend Styles to Create Future Additions

Step 1: Prompt and Create

Before getting started, it's essential to visualize some aesthetics of your new collection. Will you select a Platform Model or Train your own custom style?

Above you can see the exact Model composition and prompts used to create the characters in this article. You can view all the Platform Models on the Models page and learn more about composing characters below.

Once you've selected a model, it's time to generate characters. Begin with simple descriptive prompts like "alien," "blue cloak," or others that describe character features. Experiment with using a reference image and the default mode "Image to Image" to influence the color palette and other aspects of your generations.

As you progress, modify the prompt as needed to generate an array of characters to choose from. You can easily retrieve any of these characters whenever you're ready to introduce a new collection.

Composing and posing a character

Step 2: Create Training Images with the IP Adapter

Next, prepare for training a model. First, choose the character you want to turn into a collection. Drag and drop the image to the Reference Image tab and select the mode IP Adapter.

Delete your previous prompt and use simple prompts to add details to the character, change the character's expression, or incorporate an action. Example prompts include "smiling," "dancing," or "giving the peace sign." You may need to adjust the Influence parameter, but do so incrementally by 5 or less, and test the result.

For more advanced posing and prompt expressions, refer to these helpful articles.

Leveraging Prompt Expressions

Step 3: Train your Custom Character Model

Now it's time to train the model. Gather between 8-15 images from your generations of your character in different poses and settings. Focus on collecting high-quality images that showcase important character details while offering variation from image to image.

For optimal results, we recommend editing your captions by hand. For more information on captioning for character training, click here. This includes utilizing a 'unique token,' which can significantly improve character training results.

Train a Character Model

Step 4: Create the first edition of your collection

Now it's time to create your first edition. Begin prompting your new custom character model and generate an image to iterate on. Remember to use your unique token, if assigned. Drag and drop the image to the Reference Image tab, and then select the mode Image to Image + IP Adapter.

Use your generated character image for the Image to Image mode, and select a separate image with a color palette you'd like to use to reskin the character. For example, you may choose an image with a brightly colored bird to transfer those color details to your character.

Create as many reskins as desired. Remember to keep the original prompt in the prompt window for the most consistent results. You can experiment with using ControlNet Depth mode and adjusting the influence parameters of both reference images to create more variations in the background environment and the character in the foreground.

You can easily Remove a Background and make it transparent later if you want a consistent cardback for your NFT before minting your asset.

Add objects or costume elements through your prompts to introduce more variation to the collection. This approach allows you to quickly and easily create a complete edition of your collection.

Create New Editions for your Collection

When it's time to create a new edition for your collection, consider this approach. Visit the Model Composition page and create an entirely new and unique blend of Models. Follow the process outlined above to develop an entirely new edition for your collection. This method allows you to endlessly and quickly iterate on the aesthetic and design of your NFTs, ensuring you'll never run out of content for your collectors.

Create a Composition


With this guide, you can quickly and easily design a full NFT collection from start to finish. Generate a wide array of unique character designs, then select your favorites and train custom models to create the core of your collection.

From there, iterate on the designs, experiment with different color palettes and accessories, and blend multiple models together to generate an endless variety of new styles and editions.

This streamlined process simplifies the task of constantly refreshing and expanding your NFT offerings, ensuring you can keep your community engaged and your collectors coming back for more.

Additional Links

More information on IP Adapter

More information on curating and captioning your dataset

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