1.67 - Scenario Live Enhancements & New Plan Options
Improvements to Scenario Live
Faster Access: A new tool card and a new link in the left menu have been added for easier access to Scenario Live.
Prompt Spark Integration: The "Prompt Spark" feature is now integrated into Live, offering a powerful and fast method to generate or refine relevant prompts tailored to the custom model being used. More info on our Knowledge Center.
Inference Status Visibility: You can now see the status of your inferences directly in Scenario Live, allowing you to better adjust your input sketching pace (“Queued”, “Initializing Model”, “Generating”
Other Improvements
Improved overall performance
The canvas drawing opacity is now set to 80% to enhance sketch detail and improve AI output
Images exported from the canvas are now labeled as "Canvas Export" for easier identification in your Images Gallery.
When clicking "clear all" in Live, the pen tool will stay selected.
The outdated "creation model" has been removed: Projects are now created at 1024×1024px with a white background by default, streamlining the process.
Additional Plan Options
Credits Auto-Refill for Team and Custom Workspaces: We’ve added a new auto-refill feature for credits in both “Team“ and “Custom“ Plans to keep your resources topped up automatically. More info on our Knowledge Center.
Add Seats to a Workspace: You can now seamlessly add additional seats to your workspace (“Team“ plan). More info on our Knowledge Center.